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Cub Scout Pack 551
(Lilburn, Georgia)
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Pack 551 Leaders

The Pack Leadership is comprised of parent volunteers of our Scouts.

All of the existing leaders started out just like you - unsure of how to go about this Scouting experience, and wondering how to make the most of it for our boys.  Once we decided to get involved ourselves, most of it just comes naturally.  Along the way, the Boy Scouts of America does require us to undergo a series of training exercises which ensures the safety of the Scouts - you have no idea how seriously the BSA takes this safety business!  We have many other opportunities for more specific training in areas such as weather alertness, swimming safety, boating safety, planning an outdoor event, and lots more.  Leaders come from all walks of life, and we are all volunteers. 
Den Leaders
Webelos 2 Leader - Don Mahone

Webelos1 Assistant Leaders - Scott Whitfield, Josh Black, Danny King
Webelos 1 Leader - Logan Carlisle

Bear Den Leader - Travis Lindsey
Bear Assistant Leaders - Daniel Rose, Steve Wilson, Rick Thomason

Wolf Den Leader - Gail Bailey
Wolf Assistant Leader - Daniel Rose, Bryan Lurie

Each year at the Fall Roundup, we ask two parents of new Scouts to take on the Tiger Cub Den as Leader and Assistant Leader.

The BSA doesn't provide leaders — the parents have to do it! The more experienced leaders in the Pack will help you out at first, just until you get your bearings.

I promise it will be some of the most excellent times of your life!


Pack 551 Welcomes You

Cub Scout Pack 551

Lilburn, GA

Pack 551 Leadership