Crew 62's
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Venturing Crew 62
(Virginia Beach, Virginia)
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Here are just a few questions that have been asked and as more are asked we will add to our FAQ.

Where would I fit as an adult in the Crew?

Youth are Venturers and Adults are Scouters.

As a Scouter, you can serve in 3 capacities in a local unit. Other positions exist at the District level, but we're focused on the Crew on this FAQ.

Advisor/Assistant Advisor - The Advisor is the key adult leader and is responsible for training crew officers, helping them plan a program of activities, coaching them in their leadership responsibilities, and obtaining adult help and resources as needed through the crew committee. The Advisor is supported by two or more Associate Advisors who serve as backup leaders and provide assistance for the program administration of the crew.

The ultimate responsibility for the crew rests with the Advisor. All information from the chartered organization goes through the Advisor. He or she participates in all crew meetings and activities, and attends all crew officer and crew committee meetings, and conducts the annual crew officer's seminar. The Advisor sets the tone for the crew, models leadership and helps officers become leaders of their own crew.

Consultant - A consultant is a person whose special skill or talent is needed for a crew's activity or project; he or she frequently work with an Activity Chair, such as planning the details of an activity. Many adults can serve as consultants to a crew. Some are unable to serve as crew leaders, but most are willing and flattered to serve as an expert consultant for a Venturing activity.

Committee Member - is responsible for conducting the business of the crew, setting policy, and helping the Advisor and Venturers with planned activities. The committee also has the responsibility to provide adults for crew review committees. This is an important responsibility and is one area were help is always needed and appreciated. The committee consists of parent volunteers who fulfill various roles on the committee.  The Committee also has the responsibility to ensure that the Advisor and the President are delivering a program that is aligned with the BSA Charter.  If not, the Committee can recommend replacements.  The Committee Chair would report to the Charter Organization which has the authority to hire/fire adult leaders.

The Committee is headed by a Committee Chairman who functions as the "great organizer" to make sure that sub-committees are on-task in their roles within the troop, such as ensuring a Treasurer delivers a Treasurer's report... Outdoor Chair is making campsite reservations....  Quartermaster is maintaining the camping equipment.... Webmaster is updating the website... etc.     To avoid "power plays" the Committee Chair is more of an "organizer" than a "position of authority".   Committee decisions are made via parliamentary procedure and voting.  The Committee Chair does not get to cast a vote unless votes are tied.  By design, the Advisors are NOT members of the Committee, and therefore cannot vote on committee decisions.

There are a myriad of positions needed to staff a strong committee, so most adults in a Crew are registered as Committee Members.

How much does Venturing cost?

Dues are a yearly fee.  Our unit’s yearly dues are $36.00 ($48.00 if you want Boys Life).  What these dues pay for is your annual registration with the National Council, liability insurance, numerous awards, badges, pins, camp ground fees, and more.

There is a modest “food fee” & “fuel fee” for each camping trip.  This amount depends on the activity, the length, the menu, and distance.  Most “food fees” are $10.00 and “fuel fee” is $5.00.

Super Activity Fee – A Super Activity is a week-long high adventure activity.  It can be something like hiking the Appalachian Trail, Scuba diving at Sea Base, and Gettysburg National Park... The list is endless.  The cost of the event depends on where the youth elect to go on their activity and what they are going to do while on the activity.

Fund Raising - held as needed to supplement the cost of running the Crew.  This covers new/replacement equipment (stoves, cook gear, propane tanks, etc), or to cover the cost of more elaborate camping destinations.  A portion of fund raising is usually designated for Youth Accounts to inspire strong participation.

Youth Accounts - The Crew allocates a portion of fund raising to each participating youth's own "Scout Account".  This encourages all members to actively participate in fund raising efforts.  The harder a youth works, the more they will earn.  Funds are held in by the Crew Treasurer and can be used to reimburse ANY Crew-related expense.