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Cub Scout Pack 106
(Homer, Georgia)
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Pack Leadership Positions

Pack Committee Chairman 
The Committee Chairman is the person ultimately responsible for organizing and running the Pack. The Committee Chairman recruits adult volunteers to serve as officers (e.g. Cubmaster, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor/Webmaster, Membership Chair, Health and Safety Chair) and subcommittee chairs to handle special events (e.g. Pinewood Derby, Blue and Gold Banquet, Scout Sunday, etc.). The Committee Chairman must be trained for his/her position as a condition of appointment and continued assignment. 

Advancements Chair
The Advancements chairperson is responsible for keeping up to date records of all the cub scouts achievements. This includes belt loops, pins, beads, patches and specialty awards. The Den leaders are responsible for making the advancements chair aware of these advancements, so that the awards can be procured and awarded at the pack meetings.

The Secretary takes minutes at the Pack Committee meetings and keeps written documentation of the committee's business. The Secretary is also responsible for coordinating and maintaining the official Pack calendar. The Secretary oversees the following committees: Membership/Rechartering, Awards and Advancement. 

The Treasurer is responsible for the finances of the Pack. The Treasurer's duties include assisting the Committee Chairman in preparing an annual budget, providing a monthly financial reconciliation of the Pack accounts to the Pack Committee, accurate management of the Pack checking account, collection of membership fees and accounting of fund raising revenue. The Treasurer also oversees the Fundraising Committee (Popcorn Sales, Scout Fair Ticket Sales). 

Health and Safety Officer 
The Health and Safety Chairman is responsible for collecting and maintaining the medical related forms and records, implementing a comprehensive safety plan (indoor and outdoor), arranging a first-aid station at all campouts and pack outings, and regularly updating the driver's license and liability insurance information all parents who transport people other than their own family members to and from campouts or out-of-town Scouting events. Oversees First Aid Committee. 

The Webmaster/Editor is responsible for creating and maintaining the Pack's website with up-to-date information and creating a monthly informational newsletter for distribution to pack parents, charter organization, and school officials. The Webmaster also oversees or serves as the Public Relations Committee, the Pack Photographer, and the Pack Historian. 

Pack Trainer 
The Pack Trainer is responsible for facilitating the training of all leaders and committee members in the pack to ensure the Pack has an adequate number of trained leaders to conduct its program. The Pack Trainer will maintain leader training records, identify appropriate training for each adult leader and encourage participation in training opportunities provided by the Council, District and Pack. 

Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmasters 
The Cubmaster is an adult volunteer (at least 21 years old) who serves as master of ceremonies at all Pack meetings and leads Pack activities of all kinds. The Cubmaster is a member of the Pack Committee and works closely with the committee to coordinate the activities of the Pack. The Cubmaster may have one or more Assistant Cubmasters to help conduct the Pack program and provide backup leadership when the Cubmaster is unavailable. The Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmasters must be trained for their position as a condition of their appointment and continued assignment. 

Den Leaders and Assistant Den Leaders 
Den Leaders are the adults responsible for planning and implementation of den meetings and outings, tracking advancements of the boys within the den, and assisting the boy/parent team in achieving Scout rank requirements. The Den Leader may recruit one or more Assistant Den Leaders and divide responsibilities among them. Highly motivated, well-trained Den Leaders are the key to a successful Scouting program. Den Leaders must be appropriately trained for their position as a condition of appointment and continued assignment.