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Cub Scout Pack 212
(Salinas, California)
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Opening and Closing Flag Ceremony

Opening Flag Ceremony

Notes: Leader/presenter should be at the front facing the audience. The Color Guard (4 cub scouts) stands at the back of the room facing the presenter. One cub scout holds the US Flag and another cub scouts hold the Cub Scout Flag. Two more cub scouts stand behind them.

Leader: "Color Guard, Attention!"

Leader: " Please Rise!"

Leader: "Scout Salute! "

Leader: "Color Guard, Advance!"
(wait for color guard to reach the front)

Leader: "Color Guard, Halt!"

Leader: "Color Guard, Post the Cub Scout Flag! "
(ask color guard to turn and face the audience)

Leader: "Please join us in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance!"

Leader: "TWO!"
(Everyone drops salute)

Leader: "Scout Sign!"
(Everyone raises right hand making the Scout sign or Cub Scout sign)

Leader: "Please join us in reciting the Cub Scout Promise

I promise to do my best,
to do my duty to God and my country,
To help other people,
and To obey the law of the Pack.

Leader: "TWO!"
(Everyone drops Scout sign)

Leader: "Color Guard, Post the Flag of the United States of America! "

Leader: "Color Guard, dismissed!"
(wait for flag bearers return to formation)


Closing Flag Ceremony

Notes: Leader/presenter should be at the front facing the audience. The Color Guard (4 cub scouts) stands at the back of the room facing the presenter in two rows.

Leader: Please rise!

Leader: "Color Guard, Advance!"
(wait for color guard to reach the front)

Leader: Color Guard halt!

Leader: Color Guard, retire the colors!

Leader: Audience salute! (wait until flags leave the arena)

Leader: Dismissed.