Troop 155's
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CyberCHIP Info
CyberCHIP Reqmts
CyberCHIP Parents
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Boy Scout Troop 155
(Atascadero, California)
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Parent Certificate

CyberCHIP Certificate for Parents and Family

Scout Parents and Families are highly encouraged to participate in the Computer Safety Awareness Training.  Computers are being integrated into all aspects of our lives and in every type of work environment, so awareness of computer security is becoming key to surviving in today's ever changing world.

Training, tutoring, configuration and limited repair is available through the computer based Merit Badges and CyberCHIP training provide by Troop 155.  Please contact the Webmaster by email at: for help with the CyberCHIP requirements or to make arrangements for other computer training.

Parents and Families are encouraged to complete the training posted on the CyberCHIP Reqmts web page and submit them to the CyberCHIP Leader to earn the below Certificate of Completion:

Click on the CyberCHIP Reqmts Link in the left column of this page, in the Public Site area, to find the requirements to earning the certificate.  There are 2 levels for the Scouts, based upon their age.  Recommend parents complete the same requirements as their Scout.  The adventurous parents may complete the 'other' set of requirements if they so desire.  However, no extra points are being awarded at this time.