Pack 509's
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Our Dens

Cub Scout Pack 509
(Warrenton, Oregon)
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Tiger Den

Tiger cubs begin their scouting adventure in the fall of their first grade year (or age 6).  Parents are most involved at this level.  The scout and his adult relative attend all meetings and activities together.  Typically the tiger den leader is selected during the first few meetings out of the group of scout parents.  This den leader will coordinate the meetings, and each parent/scout team will take turns running the activities and planning meetings with the den leader.  This is the introductory year where your scout will learn about scouting, attend weekly meetings, and participate in the monthly pack meeting.

Wolf and Bear Den

After Tigers, scouts advance first to wolf (grade 2) and then to Bear(grade3).  Here they become more independent in scouting.  Each den consists of the scouts, Den leader and assistant den leader, and sometimes a den chief (an older boy scout or venturer who assists from time to time).  They will continue to meet weekly, but den activities become more difficult to challenge the scouts.  Scouts in these dens do not have to attend with a parent, but parents may often be called upon to assist with a den meeting or event.


The Webelos den is much like the Cub Scout dens, but there is more emphasis on the boys learning to take leadership roles and preparing to transition into Boy Scouts.  Webelos (pronounced "wee-BEH-lohs") is short for "WE'll BE LOyal Scouts."  These scouts participate in the most challenging activities in order to meet all of the requirements of cub scouting before their advancement.  Webelo's are divided into 2 groups: Webelo I (grade 4) and Webelo II (grade 5).  Webelo II's become Boy scouts in February of their 5th grade year.