Pack 95's
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Cub Scout Pack 95
(Harrison Township, Michigan)
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Bobcat Badge Info.

Earning your Bobcat Badge





The Cub Scout Sign

Make the sign with your right hand. Hold your arm straight up. The two raised fingers stand for the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
The fingers look like the sharp ears of the wolf ready to listen to Akela! Remember that Akela means "good leader" to a Cub Scout. Your mother or father or guardian is Akela, so is your Cubmaster and Den leader.


The Cub Scout Handshake
When you shake hands with another Cub Scout, do this: hold out your right hand just as you always do to shake hands. But then put your first two fingers along side of the other boy's wrist. This means that you help each other to remember and obey the Scout Oath.


The Cub Scout Motto
A Motto is a guiding principle and a rule for living. Do Your Best means trying your hardest, not just a little bit. Do your best all the time, including at school, home, and on your teams. especially Do Your Best at Scouting.


The Cub Scout Salute
Salute with your right hand. Hold your first two fingers close together. Touch your fingertips to your cap. If you aren't wearing a cap, touch your right eyebrow. You salute the U.S. Flag to show RESPECT to our country. Always use the Cub Scout salute when you are in your uniform, both indoors and outdoors. If you are not in uniform, you must place your hand over your heart.


After you finish the Parental Guide in the front of your book, You are now ready for your Bobcat Ceremony!!