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Venturing Crew 6
(Novi, Michigan)
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Crew 6 Bylaws

Venture Crew 6, Novi Michigan Bylaws



As a Venturer, I believe that America’s strength lies in our trust in God and in the courage, strength, and traditions of our people.

I will, therefore, be faithful in my religious duties and will maintain a personal sense of honor in my own life.

I will treasure my American heritage and will do all I can to preserve and enrich it.

I will recognize the dignity and worth of all humanity and will use fair play and goodwill in my daily life.

I will acquire the Venturing attitude that seeks the truth in all things and adventure on the frontiers of our changing world.



As a Venturer, I promise to help strengthen America, to be faithful in my religious duties, to help others, and to seek truth, fairness, and adventure in our world.


Name & Charter

Venture Crew 6 is chartered to the Novi United Methodist Church Men's Club


Objectives / Goals

·         To provide training and leadership opportunities to all members of Venture crew 6

·         To engage in co-ed out door high adventure activities

·         To provide significant service to other scouting units and the Novi community at large

·         To have fun, develop to your full individual potential, and enjoy the camaraderie of your peers



Membership shall be open to all young adults of high school / college age who live in the surrounding area and have completed 8th grade and are at least 14 years of age but not yet 21.  No prospective member shall be disqualified because of race, color, creed, or sex.  All member must be registered as Ventures and agree to the crew code and bylaws.



The elected officers shall be president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer.  Any member may run for any office.  The duties of the officers shall be prescribed in the Venturing Leader Manual.

1.       The normal term of office shall be 12 months, starting in August. 

2.       Nominations may be presented by any member and must be on the ballot.

3.       Crew members running for election must be present unless they notify the crew of their absence 2 weeks prior to election.

4.       All contested ballots will be secret.

5.       If there is a tie, the election for that position will be held again.

6.       If an officer resigns, the president, with the approval of the advisor, may appoint a successor

7.       If an officer does not attend at least 65% of the meetings over a 6 month period, or does not do his/her job, the remaining officers may vote to remove that officer from office.  The advisor must approve any removal.

8.       The officers shall appoint event captains to plan and lead all events

Crew Business / Meetings

  • Crew meetings shall be held once per month.  Officers may meet separately as deemed necessary.
  • Crew business will be conducted in an efficient and respectful manner.
  • Voting on all issues will be by simple majority, with the exception of changes or amendments to the bylaws, which will require a two-thirds vote of the total membership and approval of the Crew Advisor.
  • A quorum shall consist of one more than the majority of members present for votes on routine business.



  • Venturing uniforms are optional. Officers and adults may obtain a Class A uniform, to be worn at ceremonies, Venturing roundtables, conferences etc.
  • Other Crew members are encouraged to wear the Crew T Shirt, or Event T Shirt
  • Clothing must be in good repair and tasteful (meets high school dress code)



  • Dues will be the GLC Ottawa District annual dues, paid in January. (For 2013 the dues are $20)



All fundraising activities must be approved by a majority vote of crew members.  Funds raised by each member will be deposited in their individual Scout accounts.  Members who do not participate in project are not entitled to any benefits of funds earned.  All fundraising must be approved by the advisor and meet BSA requirements.


Member Conduct

1.       All crew members must follow rules set by the BSA (including the Venturing Code, Oath and Leave No Trace principles) or included in the bylaws.

2.       Be courteous to your fellow Venturers.

3.       No member will be forced to participate in an activity against his or her will.

4.       If an officer, another member or an advisor asks for help, and you possess the ability to help that individual, you should do so.

5.       Dating relationships are allowed

6.       Both public and private displays of physical affection between members are discouraged on crew activities

7.       Dating relationships between adult advisors and youth members are not allowed

8.       Sleeping accommodations and bathing facilities will be segregated by gender and age (youth and adult) in accordance with BSA health and safety guidelines

Youth Drivers

Ventures that have a valid driver’s license (not learners permit or restricted license) are permitted to drive themselves and other in venturing activity providing the following requirements are met:

1.       The vehicle must be in good repair and must have current registration and Insurance
2.     Must be 17 years or older

3.       Must have 6 months driving experience

4.       Must not have been in an accident in the last year

5.       Must not have received any moving violations in the last

6.       Must receive parental permission to drive and parental permission to have passengers and must be in writing

7.       Must have taken BSA’s risk zone course

Scouts shall be recognized for the skills they have learned, activities they have completed and challenges they have over come.  It is expected that each member of Venturing Crew #6 actively participating in a scouting  program each year (Boy Scout, Girl Scout, Venturing) shall be recognized for their accomplishments.