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Cub Scout Pack 97
(Sidney, Ohio)
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Cub Scout Pack 97 – Sidney, Ohio

Information Sheet


How often do we meet?

We usually meet three to four times a month, which includes two Den meetings and one Pack meeting.  Our monthly Pack meeting is generally on the second Thursday of the month, and our Den meetings are typically on the first and third Thursday of the month.  Pack and Den meeting times are typically 6:30 PM.  There may also be an additional outing each month.  Meetings usually last approximately 60-90 minutes.  Check out our Calendar of Events for more specific information.


Where do we meet?

Pack meetings typically take place in the Fellowship Hall of Saint Paul’s United Church of Christ, 707 North Ohio Avenue in Sidney; Den meetings typically occur in the second floor classrooms at Saint Paul’s United Church of Christ.  Each den currently has a designated classroom for their activities.  Occasionally meeting locations will be specific to the planned activities and may not be at Saint Paul's, but you will get plenty of notice ahead of time.


Why join Cub Scout Pack 97?

FUN!!! (Learn about camping, the outdoors, archery and lots of other things, and earn awards at the same time!)

***Skills for life****Build character****Teamwork****Perform service for the community***
And, did we say...FUN!!!  Being a Cub Scout family is a BLAST, everyone will have a GREAT TIME growing together!


How much does it cost?

Registration: $36 goes to Boy Scouts of America for registration, insurance and Boy’s Life Magazine

Pack Dues: $60 per year (which can be paid in monthly installments of $5 at each Pack Meeting whether in attendance or not) goes to funding of Cub Scout Pack 97 and stays with the Pack.  A total of $60 is due per year.  Having your scout pay his dues each month at the Pack meeting is also a means to help a boy understand the concept of earning his own way.

Other: There may be additional charges for special outings, campouts, etc.

Uniform: About $60 for the field uniform (shirt, insignia, neckerchief, slide, and belt).  Official field uniform pants and hat are optional.  The handbook will be provided by the Pack.  An activity uniform (pack t-shirt) will also be provided by the Pack upon award of your scout's Bobcat rank.


Where do I get the uniform?

1.         Scout Shop, 7285 Poe Avenue, Dayton, Ohio, 937/278-4825 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 937/278-4825 FREE  end_of_the_skype_highlighting


3.         Ebay (usually anywhere from about $5 on up)

4.         FISH (sometimes has previously owned uniforms)


What should I do next?

JOIN US FOR OUR ROCKET LAUNCH RECRUITMENT NIGHT!!!  Thursday, August 28, 2014, 6:30 PM, Saint Paul’s United Church of Christ, 707 North Ohio Avenue, Sidney, Ohio 45365.  Application forms will be available at that time.  Or, contact us as listed below.


If you are interested or have any questions, please contact:

Cubmaster Jeff Davidson, 937/726-1819

Committee Chairman Cindy Biddle, 937/726-2739

Or visit us at