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Cub Scout Pack 193
(Kettering, Ohio)
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Joining Cub Scouts

How much does it cost?

This is the one of if not the first question asked by parents interested in scouting for their boys. Below is a breakdown on the cost for a 1 year membership for Pack 193 all that is included is listed below.

Yearly Registration                                                                        $65.00


Registration includes

  1.  Scout Rank Book                                                                    $8.99
  2. Neckerchief for Rank                                                               $6.99
  3. Neckerchief Slide for Rank                                                      $3.99
  4. Pinewood Derby Car Kit                                                          $3.99
  5. BSA Insurance                                                                         $2.00
  6. BSA Registration Fee                                                              $15.00
  7. Boys’ Life Magazine                                                                 $12.00
  8. Admin/Pack fees/expenses Boy's awards etc                          $12.04



Camping per event (varies depending on the event)                                   $25.00

How much time does it take?

This being the second question asked by parents, currently we hold 1 pack meeting a month on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. Your son will be placed in a Den for his age group and the Den Leaders have between 1 and 4 Den Meeting per month. Meetings for both Pack and Den usally run one hour but sometimes can run a few minutes over that hour depending on the events scheduled, for special events you will be notified by our broadcast system of events and meetings.

Who do I contact to get started?

This is the next big question asked by parents our Cubmaster is the one responsible for orginizaing and running the monthly Pack Meetings.
Please feel free to contact our Cubmaster for more information on scouting or what the next step is to getting started.

Bob Brooks
Cubmaster Pack 193

Were looking forward to talking with you
Thank you for your time.