Pack 078's
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Cub Scout Pack 078
(Ovid, New York)
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About our meetings...

Image result for cunscouts pack meetings
Our meetings are held at our charter organization, Ovid Federated Church every Thursday when school is in session (no meetings if school is closed for vacations or bad weather).

 Our 1st meeting will be Sept. 10, 2015. 

Tigers (1st graders) & Wolfs (2nd graders) meet from 5:30-6:30. Bears (3rd graders), Monday @ 6:30-7:30pm. Webelos 6-7p.m

Who are our Den Leaders?

Tiger Leader: Fawn Updike

Wolf Leader: Beth Huff

Bear Leader: Joe Borst

Webelos Leader: Shannon McCoy

Tigers will need to have a parent/guardian attend meetings with them. They may need help with projects we do, but we strongly encourage parents to be involved so you are a part of what your Scout learns. All other Scout parents are also strongly encouraged to attend your scout's meetings, not only to keep up to date on what we're doing, but your Scout pack is run entirely by parent volunteers. The more help we get, the better the program is for the kids. And this really is all about the kids! 


* Scouts should wear their Class A uniforms to meetings (blue shirt, neckerchief & slide that holds it & their Cub scout belt). We don't expect everyone to have uniforms by the 1st meeting, but within 4-6 wks if possible. If for any reason you have trouble getting a uniform, please speak to your Den Leader. We will help in any way we can. 

*Please bring your Cub scout Handbook to every meeting! We will need it!

* Dues ~ I know, you pay to join, now dues? We only ask for $1 per kid at each meeting. Dues go toward extras we do for the kids ie: movies, bowling, pizza parties etc. This makes it a little easier to do things with the boys without asking for larger amounts of money from families later.

* Many parents (esp parents of Tigers) ask if they can bring a Scout's siblings to meetings if parents attend. Of course! We have several "honorary scouts" & they are always welcome join activities if they'd like. If not, they can bring something to do quietly.

*We try to keep meetings to 1hr. At times they run over, depending on what we're working on. 

* We usually serve a snack before we dismiss our meeting. Be warned, you may be asked to take a turn providing a snack. We try to stick to healthy snacks (except armpit fudge. But it's a must try for young Scouts!)

* Please feel free to work on things in your Scout Handbook at home! The boys all have  requirements to complete to get promoted & electives to do. We encourage parents to work with the boys. Scouting isn't just something that applies to a 1 hr meeting once a week, we want the boys to incorporate what they learn in their every day lives. When parents are involved, they can help that happen.

* When your Den begins meeting, your Den Leader may ask if anyone would like to be an Assistant Den Leader & if the parents would like to help run the meetings. (Oh, by the way, when you sign your Scout up, YOU become a Scout too (No. Seriously. Even Mom's!) That's because it's a team effort.) Don't be alarmed. Our council has a great new program written out for us. It's basically a well written lesson plan already organized for us. If you'd like to jump in, please let us know! We'll help you learn the ropes. If it's not within your comfort zone, that's perfectly ok too. Each Den will figure out what works best for them & go from there. But truly, our boys are only as active in Cub Scouts as their families are. We will always be looking for help to do events, fund raisers, field trips etc. Any & all help is very appreciated! 

Rules..(everyone has em')

* No running or roughhousing inside the Church. We don't want anyone getting hurt.

* No yelling, screaming, foul language, hitting, bullying or disrespect of any kind. Not only is it not necessary, but it's not appropriate behavior for Scouts.

* * Most of all... Have FUN!! **

~If your son is thinking of joining scouts but isn't sure if it's for him, please contact our Cub master or a Den leader about attending a meeting to see what we're about. Scouts are welcome to invite a buddy to join them as well!