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Cub Scout Pack 1831
(Manassas, Virginia)
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Earn a Cyber Chip and Recharge it Annually!

Cub Scouts are required to earn their cyberChip and "recharge" it each year. Scouts will learn about being safer online and promoting community awareness of Internet safety issues. Scouts who earn the Cyber Chip will also be able to practice safer online behaviors and advise others on issues such as cyberbullying and scams.

Click here to earn your cyberCHIP!

It takes approximately 45 minutes to earn the cyberCHIP using the link above, focus on completing and planning requirements 2 & 3 at home. The rest can be done at a scout meeting. 

If you have trouble watching the video or playing the game from a tablet or smartphone please try again using a desktop or laptop computer.

Earn your cyberCHIP today!